TTCSZ Class of 2022 Graduates. Our “COVID Class”

In August 2022 we started our fifth training programme focussing on the teaching of English and ICT. Thanks to the generosity of Macmillan Publishers, our teachers were able to experience the joy of teaching reading using ‘The Gruffalo’.  They then got to take copies back to their own schools. A story with a happy ending!!

These same teachers recently finished training for Mathematics and Schemes of Work. TTCSZ starts teaching Mathematics with an emphasis on the use of real objects, so there is plenty of folding of paper for fractions and counting of sticks, stones, and bottle tops when teaching basic arithmetical functions.

In the feedback, one teacher said: ‘Thumbs up on how to operate a computer, how to teach Maths and English, the lecturers are welcoming and very helpful. TTCSZ continue with the good work’. 

Prior to this group our ‘Covid class’, as we called them, did not have an easy ride. Training was started, rescheduled, and then halted when Covid spread in Zambia. Maths and ICT could only be delivered in 2022. We recently graduated these teachers.

The celebration included dancing, singing, speeches, and awarding of TTCSZ’s ‘Certificates of Achievement’.

Phanuel Kunda, the student representative, said at the graduation:

I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the organisers and founders of this programme … for equipping community teachers with great teaching skills and teaching methodologies that are so priceless.        

As community school teachers we refuse to take lightly this precious training. We understand its value and worth … it encourages us to become better versions of ourselves who will build better communities through excellent quality services.’

A positive outcome of Covid was that it required TTCSZ to fast-track our plans to have an all-Zambian training team. We now have Zambian volunteer trainers with lots of local knowledge and experience.  The above words of the teachers speak for themselves, the trainers are doing a great job!