Thanks to donations from our fabulous supporters, we have 3 community school teachers studying degrees at Chalimbana University, Zambia.

Meet Camps Shachele – started his degree in 2021 – ‘Glenna’s Bursary’ in memory of a supporter’s mother

Camps has been teaching in a community school for 8 years. His school has about 160 children and 4 volunteer teachers.

He said: ‘My greatest fear and puzzle in life has been answered by you guys. I completed my Grade 12 in 2010.  All these years I have been trying to take myself to college or university but I have failed due to financial challenges.

I have a passion for teaching. I am contributing to the social and economic development of Zambia by teaching learners who will be important people in the society and leaders of tomorrow. I make sure that I equip my learners with the necessary knowledge and skills which will help them to complete their school and excel in life.

Camps is in year 3 of his degree. He is specialising in the teaching of Mathematics.


Meet Veronica Mumba – started her degree in 2022 – ‘Betty’s Bursary’ in memory of a supporter’s wife

Veronica is the head teacher of a community school with 3 teachers and 77 learners.

She said: ‘In 2017 I was one of the first class that was trained by TTCSZ. I was lucky and was picked to be one of the interns to train community school teachers in phonics. Whenever TTCSZ has a class I help.

Being awarded this bursary to study a primary degree at the university is a great opportunity for me to have a chance to gain more knowledge that is helping me now to teach more effectively and be able to serve the learners. I wish to say thank you TTCSZ for coming through for the community schools.’            

During Covid, when schools in Zambia were closed, Veronica volunteered as a health promoter. Volunteering is part of her life.



Meet Nathan Chirwa – started his degree in 2023 – ‘O’Donnell Bursary’ in honour of a supporter’s sister

Nathan’s family could only afford to send him to a local primary community school. After completing his secondary education, he returned to that school as a volunteer teacher.

He said: ‘“Education is the key to success”. I believe me pursuing a new level in my career will not only be the path to my desired destination but will open the doors and build a way for the next generation. With the strong passion I have for my community, I believe I will bring about change in the lives of many children out there by applying the very best of what I am acquiring in my studies.

What I have acquired so far in the first residential has really helped me to advance my teaching skills.’

Nathan has a strong passion to help learners, especially orphans and vulnerable children.


These teachers attend study residentials during school holidays. The bursaries are for four years and include all university fees, plus an allowance for travel, food, internet and study books. TTCSZ also lends each teacher a laptop.

We are incredibly grateful to our donors.