TTCSZ’s Library/Resource Centre (L/RC) in Lusaka for community school teachers and students.

For a long time, TTCSZ has wanted to have its own ‘home’ so we could make our teaching resources available to community school teachers throughout the year.  Thanks to our donors, supporters, and T4Z’s fundraising, that vision became a reality in May 2023!

TTCSZ has leased a property in Lusaka. The property will be a multi-purpose training venue that gives teachers access to a wide range of resources such as computers, textbooks, teaching materials, and storybooks to use in their primary schools. It will also be a library for local children to experience the joy of reading and having fun with toys, so they learn through play.

The L/RC will also allow us to expand our support for community school teachers as it will be a venue for studying, workshops, and meetings.

To celebrate the signing of the contract we had a small gathering so stakeholders could see the centre. One visitor said This place will change many communities. I can see a teacher coming with a whole class to experience what a real classroom looks like. To touch computers for the first time! This is great. I am very happy!

Our volunteer librarian has a wonderful vision for the centre and she is already working with other enthusiastic volunteers to convert our ‘blank canvas’ into an L/RC that is ‘fit for purpose’. They are approaching organisations in Zambia to seek sponsorship/donations for basic furniture and equipment.

Our first donation came from Unicaf University in Zambia. TTCSZ is thankful to our founding member Dr. Christine Mushibwe, who is also VC of Unicaf University in Zambia, for approaching the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dr. Nicolaou. We are equally grateful that the CEO gladly donated desks and chairs to TTCSZ. Dr. Nicolaou was delighted to contribute because he said the L/RC would support community school teachers and children from underprivileged communities in Zambia.  TTCSZ gladly accepted 40 desks and chairs from Mr. Tyson Siyamunyangwa, Director of Operations of Unicaf University.