TTCSZ finished its third training programme for Community School teachers in Lusaka

Since 2017, we have trained approximately 75 teachers. Our aim is to develop the competence of community school teachers in terms of planning, teaching methodologies, assessment and resource development. The emphasis is on modelling practical strategies for teaching Mathematics, English and computers.

During the training programmes we assess teachers four ways – through evaluating mini lessons in Mathematics and English, and via a competency-based ICT test. Once a programme has finished, we also observe community school teachers in their own school.

In 2019 we mentored some of our trained community school teachers so they could become TTCSZ training assistants. This is an important part of our overall training aim as it can enable teaching skills to be cascaded more widely within community schools. The success of the programme in 2019 was in large part due to the strength in quality and quantity of our Zambian and UK volunteer trainers. Sharing their professional experience, time and resources with TTCSZ was hugely appreciated.

So, what feedback did TTCSZ get from our community school teachers? Here are some quotes:

‘Thank you for training me, encouraging me and building me. I enjoyed both sections. God bless you.’

‘Good presentation and teaching methods. All in all, I am not as I was. Thank you.’

‘I enjoyed being with you. I am really happy to be chosen. I say thank you so much for your help. I didn’t know that in my life I can find myself in this wonderful programme. I will always remember. Thank you so much.’